Getting To Know My TRX With Ed Le Cara

HI Your Fit Day Fans!

First, I want to let you know that there’s a super workout posted at the bottom of this blog and anyone can do it, even if you don’t have a TRX, yet!

I’ve been working away at my TRX training to help strengthen my hip, glutes (butt) and core muscles, before my surgery this fall, and I wanted to update you on my progress. Even if you don’t have a TRX ( I know, it also took me a while to become a convert!) there are variations of all of these exercises you can do using a stability ball, bench, cables at the gym, or a mat. I’ll be sure to update you with some tutorials on variations for those of you who don’t yet have a TRX.

Think Outside The Box (You know…As in Gym)

The beauty of TRX system is that everyone can do the exercises and follow the many routines. However, they can be varied depending on your needs and ability. TRX even has an entire rehab series which, for now, is what my program will mostly be based on. So as I get used to the system and get stronger Ed Le Cara will show me how to increase the load and make the exercise more challenging simply by making micro changes in my body positioning.

I can see how, at times, this can be so much better than a machine at the gym. At the gym you can only increase the load by 5 lbs, unless they have those small weights that you add onto the stack. But they are so inconvenient, since you have to spend an extra few minutes scouting them out.

And then after you find them-if your machine hasn’t been snatched by someone else-and you spend another minute trying to configure them onto the stack while staying put between the pulley system, or you dangle them from the pin in makeshift fashion, they end up bouncing off in the middle of a set. Right? Hasn’t that happened to you?!

With the TRX all you need to do is change your body position just an inch or two while working in any of the three planes, which will either increase or decrease the load.

So for example, if you’re in a position and find it too difficult to make it past a few reps to complete the set then all you have to do is adjust your foot distance from the anchor and…Presto! the movement becomes easier and you can concentrate on your form and breathing and get the work done.

So even in the middle of a set you can make these micro adjustments so the continuity of the exercise, and set programming is not lost.  And as you get stronger you can move farther away from the anchor point which is like putting extra weight on a machine. Only now YOU are the machine!

Now that’s intuitive training to me.

And just as examples you can also add weights, kettle bells, and the Ultimate Sandbag into the mix for even a more intense workout. And remember, you can do all of this at home or in a park, anywhere and everywhere.

As I progress I’ll have more workouts for you too!

Fit For My Hip

Here are the first few exercises that Ed Le Cara, the Master TRX Rehab Guru, gave me that literally kicked my butt.  They had me going in a sweat in a matter of minutes! The breakdown of my workout is below the videos.


Before I jump into my workout I like to warm up with what I call Running Man’s (Mountain Climbers) for a few minutes. You can also skip rope or do high knee running in place.

Then I will go through this routine on my leg and glute targeted days, as well as another day in between.

For added intensity  and to keep your metabolism stoked you can add 30 seconds to 1 minute of skipping rope, high knee stepping, running mans, or even marching in place in between each set. Since my hip can’t take much jumping right now, I have gone from skipping rope to doing ‘running man’ instead, and it still kicks my butt.

The plank exercises I try to weave in throughout my workouts on most days, to work on shoulder and scapula (the wings of your back!) stabilization. You can do regular planks on the mat or using a ball or even a bench or chair.

Note: Start with the lower number of reps until you feel comfortable with the movement. You will feel a burn in your hamstrings for sure!

TRX Beginning Glute/Core Workout

Round 1

Bridge: Hold 10 seconds, lower, repeat 10 reps

Hamstring curl with hip extension: 8-12 reps

Hamstring curl single leg: 5-15 reps

Lunge: 10-15 each leg (Watch video where I did 40 on each leg! My butt, legs, and even the muscles in my feet were burning!)

Repeat this sequence 2-3 times

Round 2

Supine Plank with Pushup: Hold 7-10 seconds for 8 reps, (rest at bottom for 3-5 sec between each plank)

TRX Resisted Rotation (eccentric and concentric) 5 plus, til  you fatigue.

Repeat this sequence 2-3 times

This is just the beginning. I have more exercises that I have learned that will get your butt and legs in super shape. And the TRX is ALWAYS working your core, even when you’re not doing the core specific exercises.

OH! Now that the weather is nice I’m toting my TRX to the pool, hooking it up to the lifeguard chair after my swim and deep water pool run, and exploring my core. I just love it that much!

TRX Training
Does your program give you these results?

Get with the program!

And be sure to let me know how I can help you by leaving your comment below.

Make it Your Fit Day!

With DebbyK!

P.S.: Remember, I am not in anyway prescribing these exercises to cure any skeletal or muscle problems you may have. And always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program!


DebbyK!’s First Day Of TRX With Ed Le Cara

HI Your Fit Day Fans!

Last update I mentioned putting together a team of experts who could help me get prepared for my upcoming hip surgery. I needed to start thinking outside of the box regarding my current routine, and putting in other methods of training that would still keep me in peak physical shape.  And Since I didn’t want to compromise my current level of strength and fitness, the workouts would still have to be challenging enough to work my entire body and keep me fit.

In May I visited with Ed Le Cara at Sports Plus in Pleasanton, CA  where he assessed my body for weaknesses. After an hour of all sorts of tests where I lunged, squatted,  and walked over knee high barriers like I was in the Westminster Dog Show, Ed had enough information to put together a program for me to work on for a few weeks.

Here is quick video of Ed’s TRX training studio. I wish I had a studio like Ed’s!

What is a TRX?

I had a lot of people ask me: what is this TRX you speak of?  Well, I’ll let this guy tell you all about it… and I betcha your fingers will skip on over to that link below to get your own. And if you’re not convinced by then, well…just keep re looping the video, and at least you’ll get a good ab workout from laughing so much!


You can  also check them out here; and yes, I’m an affiliate because I love them so much!!

In the next few months you will learn more exercises as I progress through my pre hab program with ED.  And since TRX is the future of  fitness NOW, I intend to get certified in the TRX system.

The Power Of The TRX System

The beauty of using the TRX is that it can help strengthen muscle weaknesses as well as build upon the strength and muscle you already have, creating a fit, stronger and better balanced body.  So for my Prehab it is challenging enough for all my needs.

With the TRX you can perform 100’s of exercises that enable you to build strength, power, agility, balance, mobility (definitely something I will be working on pre and post hip surgery); as well as lose weight and get that lean green machine you always dreamed of. You can work at the intensity you choose simply by shifting your body position. It’s that simple.

Fitness In A Bag

The TRX is easy to set up, and packed in it’s own small mesh bag it’s no larger than one of The SAK bags I hauled my junk around in the 90’s! Remember those little bags?

And it only takes a few minutes to set up, using the door anchor, wall mount or slinging it over a tree, for instance. You can have your own gym in your home, office, at the park, or even at the gym.

A gym at the gym?

Trust me, it’s not like taking sand to the beach!  Because when it’s cold and wet outside simply stow this in your backpack, take it to the gym, loop it over a high bar, and never wait for equipment again!

Let’s get into shape!

The TRX will be the one of the main pieces of equipment that I’ll be implementing into my current exercise program. And not to worry because all of the equipment that I use and the exercises that I do, whether for Pre-hab or for my daily workout, are exercises and routines that you can do too.

So don’t just think that you have to be injured to do these exercises in my videos coming in the next posts. Because believe you me, they can be very challenging. And if you work on weaving these into your routine, or even if you’re just starting a fitness program, these exercises will be more than enough to get you going.

Remember, all of the equipment that I use and the exercises that I do will get you into the best shape of your life. So follow me on my blog so we can get into and stay in the best shape of our lives.

I can’t wait to learn more exercises with the TRX and pass them along to all of you.  In fact, I plan to become a TRXher! Get it?!! Ha! Ha!

So stay tuned and keep following…

Have you had some TRX yet?

Leave a comment…

Your Trainer,




10 Day Holiday Fitness Challenge

Hi Your Fit Day Friends,

So I’ve been making my rounds of holiday parties over the past few weeks.  I really love this time of year. And you know what? I don’t stress about food or workouts. Instead I focus on being the most fit I’ve ever been in my life. And I do this every year. Actually I do this every day!! Is that humanly possible you ask? Well, it gives me another excuse to don my best apparel of tight sexy tops and jeans. I mean look, I’m a fitness diva who loves fine classic clothes down to their finest threads…which don’t come cheap. And in this economy who wants to have two or maybe even three sets of wardrobe sizes? Not me, and probably not you either.

And I love this time of year because it’s great for my business. In fact this past week I’ve gotten a tonne of the usual emails asking how not to gain weight over the holidays. But my favorite question was from college student Nikky Raney asking me advice on how to get in shape for the holidays.

Well, I’m glad you asked me Nikky, because it just shows me that there are some peeps out there who are paying attention to their waistlines and want to do something about it now, not on New Years Day.

Just The Facts Ma’am

We’ve all heard the dreaded numbers:  most people gain between 5-7 lbs of body fat between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. This fact is bad… but it’s not really that bad.  A study done by the  National Institutes of Health and the Medical University of South Carolina found that people in their study gained an average of about 1 pound from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day. And less than 10 percent of the subjects gained 5 pounds or more over the holidays. But here’s the bad news: “That extra pound, on average, was still there for {a large number of }the group of participants who came back to be weighed almost a year later”.

And what do you think will happen the following holiday season? Just another 1 lb right? Well in five years that’s 5 lbs of accumulated fat. And that’s not even counting any other weight you might put on during the rest of the year. Sound familiar?

How many different sized pairs of ‘skinny jeans’ do you actually own?

What’s The Problem?

Excuses. That’s what I hear around the holiday season.

  • Family is in town
  • Family leaving town
  • I’m going away
  • holiday parties
  • No time, I have to Xmas shop
  • No time, I have to make my dreidel out of clay
  • Everyone gains weight during this time of year
  • It’s a lost cause this time of year
  • I’ll just instead wait for after the New Year to start Debby’s IMPACT group training.
  • The Grinch stole my work out. Whaaaaat?!!
  • The Grinch Who Stole Workouts

Listen, anyone can make excuses. But why let excuses run your life and rule your waistline when what it is you really want is to enjoy the holidays and feel great.

Well, I came up with a plan for all of you to jump start your New Year’s fitness plan. It’s really no different than how I plan each day of my Fit Day life:

That is, to get in the best shape of my life EVERY DAY. So let’s make it Your Fit Day so you can do the same.

Mind Over Matter

We all have our struggles that we go through. Hey, I’m not perfect. I’m human too. Now although I don’t eat sugar or pastries, candy or cream pies, I can relate to what you are going through. You see, starting from the age of 16 through age 21 I had an eating disorder where I barely ate enough to fuel my athletic achievements. And from age 21 to about age 27 I had a sugar addiction. I’m sure some of you can relate.

My pleasure was sugar gumballs.

My Gumball Addiction

I would be -line for the bubble gum bins and load up on bag fulls, making excuses to myself why I couldn’t do without. And once that sugar touched my tongue, and I’d eaten so much that I was in sugar-high heaven, I’d throw in the towel and just devour the entire bag. I mean, I had already done the damage so there was nothing I could do at that point, right? Sound familiar? Wait, there’s more.

Then I would set a date to stop this behavior. I’d say, ‘Tomorrow I won’t buy any more. Tomorrow I’ll start my new program’. But another excuse would find me, I’d rationalize it, and I’d push the change date to the ‘Really, I’m gonna change this behavior’ date… whenever that was. But this didn’t do me any good. It just made me ‘fat-fit’ in the belly, sluggish, tired and depressed.

Finally, (thank the Universe for providing me clarity), I just got tired of being sick and tired. I wanted to be strong and I didn’t want to stress about what I put in my mouth. I didn’t want to count all my calories – or lack there of- when I ate; I didn’t want to be tired and depressed. Without energy I knew my body was not strong and that it lacked the muscle to stoke my metabolism.

From Bones To Brawn

So when I was 21 I just woke up one morning and set out for one of the greatest challenges of my life: to become strong and fit. No, let me rephrase that: to be the strongest and fittest I could be, every day of my life. I just said to myself, ‘Today I am a bodybuilder and I am going to be up on stage, and I’m going to have the body of Gladys Portugues, and everything that goes into my mouth will build my body and mind and spirit. And I will not stop until I get there. And when I get there I will keep going…’

Well, if you’ve seen a picture of Gladys,

Gladys Portugues

and then you saw me (I’m still looking for the picture), that was a huge challenge that I was committing to. But I believed that I could do it. There was no limit. I was always athletic and ‘fit’ and determined.  So I set my goals and changed my ways.

I believed in a new reality.

What I did, right then, was change my own perception of who I was.  In my minds eye I had the body that I dreamed of, and I was lifting really heavy objects, and I was taking control. Every day was a new challenge in the gym, kitchen, socially, and especially in regards to self discovery; and I made this all a priority in my life. I let go of my limiting belief that I was bound to this addiction of surrendering to sugar.

And whatever it is that you are surrendering to during the holiday season you too can rise to the challenge and change your belief system.

Do Not Surrender!

I Challenge You

So, I’m going to challenge you to get in the best shape of your life every single day from now until January first. That’s right. EVERY DAY! Change your belief system and become that fit, energetic, youthful, stress-less person. And then just keep going.

The Plan

Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor before starting a workout plan. With that being said:

  1. Commit To Be Fit: Start a journal. On the cover write Your Fit Day. Under that write: ‘Everyday is the first day of the rest of my fitness life’. This is your new mantra. Now, say the Your Fit Day Mantra every morning upon waking, and again upon going to sleep.
  2. Work Out Everyday even on Xmas day and New Years day for 10-30 minutes, with some high intensity training. For Beginners: Start by warming up with 5 minutes of walking, then every other minute walk briskly for a minute or for as long as you can and then go back to walking. Start with 10 minutes and increase by 1-2 minutes each day. Intermediate and Advanced: Pep up your step and do interval training using your entire body. Do a circuit of exercises like skipping rope, burpees, one legged jumps, bicycles, pull-ups, sumo jump squats, V-ups, plank variations, side to side lunges. This is just an example of a circuit. You can make these time challenges, or intervals of 50 seconds max effort, and 10 seconds rest. Be creative. Have fun. Play.  Be sure to check out The Ultimate Sandbag Systems workouts that you can do in your home. I just bought the combo package and I’ll  soon be posting some of my own workouts on my blog using the Sandbag, so keep checking back. P90 and P90x are also good home fitness solutions.
  3. Eat Wholesome and Lean Foods and good fats up until Xmas eve.
  4. Go to be social. Change your limiting beliefs around ‘parties’. Nobody says you have to eat sweets and fatty carbohydrates at holiday parties in order to be social. Save it for the big family meal on Xmas and New Years. Enjoy a light protein snack or a handful of nuts before you go to the holiday parties. When you’re there forage the room for the veggie platter and opt for lemon with water instead of fruit punches and alcohol.
  5. Pick Your Pies Prudently: Limit yourself to tasting 2 deserts and only have a couple bites of each. Chances are you’re not hungry anyway and after savoring the first couple of bites you’ll have satisfied your sweet tooth.
  6. Say the YFD Mantra
  7. Repeat

You have the next TEN days to make it Your Fit Day, every day, for the rest of your life.

I’m challenging you.

Are you up for it?

Leave your comments below. Continue reading “10 Day Holiday Fitness Challenge”

Holiday Tips to Attack The Fat

HI Fitness Fans,

Yes, You Can
Yes, You Can!

I’ve been getting a bunch of emails lately asking what to do over the Holidays to stay on track with diet and exercise and how NOT to gain weight. You’re probably wondering what can possibly be done from now until Jan 1st to help fight the battle of the bulge that is about to take place.

A LOT…. But Start NOW! And then keep going….

Here are my tips and resources that will help you stay on track over Thanksgiving weekend, and the holidays, and may actually help you burn the fat while eating your apple pie:


What? Some  kind of new workout move? Not really. It’s more like a shuffle…of your calories.

Back when I was bodybuilding, and counting calories, it was common to cycle the amount of carbs and calories we would eat during the week, eating a few days of calories below our baseline metabolic rate, and then a ‘cheat’ day way above, and then back to our baseline.  As the contest got closer and we needed to make weight class the baseline would be lowered, but always fluctuating the daily calories with highs and lows on different days of the week, to balance out the total calories for that week.

Some days would be base metabolic rate, while others would dip 300-500 below or 300-500 above that rate over the course of 5-7 days. The overall weekly caloric intake would average out to what our goal base metabolic rate was determined to be in order to lose body fat while maintaining lean muscle -  and get those ripped abs.

Deb's Abs
Holiday Abs_Elton Lobos Photography

The great thing was there was always one big’cheat’ day where we could eat anything we wanted. For me it was like Thanksgiving day, but of Pancakes…a lot of pancakes!

Although our diets were precisely manipulated during competitions, the same principal can be used around the holiday season. I mean, what’s the first thing on most of our minds for the next 6 weeks? OK, besides the holiday gifts! You guessed it……..Not gaining weight during the Holidays, right?


Zig Zag , or Calorie Cycling, is similar.

In a nutshell: Since our bodies are meant to survive famine and hold on to fat when it thinks it is is starving – like when we diet – it will also lower it’s metabolism. And if your metabolism slows down then your body will not burn fat for fuel, but rather store it instead. (Note: Future blog…make sure to check back soon).

Hey! Isn’t that the exact opposite of what we want?

Yes, my friend it is. But here’s the concept…


With Zig Zag, or what’s called calorie cycling, the theory is that your body never has a chance to store the extra calories as fat if you cycle your calories. Some days are higher and some are lower, but all adding up to meet your target caloric intake for that week. You are tricking your body into thinking it’s not dieting, so there is less chance of holding on to fat. This is not the case if you lower your calories for too long a period and maintain them at that low number while also continuing a weight/fat loss program . (Hmmm!  Make Note: Another follow up blog, so check back soon).

There is very little research done on this and it is all very much anecdotal in evidence but I can swear from my own experience and that of many of my client’s, including Paul Piotrowski, (who was on it for a short period and did see some results), that cycling calories, if done correctly, will trick your metabolism into a fat burning machine. And psychologically, I think it’s easier to stick to a diet when there is a ‘cheat’ day.

IF You Could Have It All

According to my friend Mike O’Donnell,, over at The IF Life, you can.   It’s called Intermittent Fasting. He even wrote a book on it. Basically you’re eating less around the days you are partaking in pumpkin and cream pies.

Choclolate Cream Pie
Eat this and lose fat?

Here’s what Mike, over at IF says:

So if you know a party is coming up, eat a little less the day before(focus more on low calorie foods like leaner proteins, fruits and vegetables) and the day after so you do not have a calorie surplus over the long run! Eat less meals to get there, such as 2 meals. This is the simple strategy that you can also apply to your year-round lifestyle. Using intermittent days to eat less and and still enjoy foods you like while losing weight.

And, of course, the trick for the long term with any meal plan is to stay on track with Real Whole Foods.


Counting calories is not for everyone. You have to be quite dedicated on a plan like this. But even if you don’t stick to a program such as this one it’s a great place to start.  Now is a good time to get to know the true amount of what’s going down your gullet daily.

Do you really think you eat at your baseline metabolic rate to maintain your current weight?

Have you ever wondered why you are not losing weight? Or are you losing weight but your body has turned all squishy?

Have you noticed you now are 2 pants sizes larger?

Is this YOU?

Did you know that research has shown that most people eat 25% more than what they think is their baseline. So that can add up week after week, year after year, especially over the holidays if you don’t balance it out.

So fear not my friends.  With some careful planning and some useful online tools you can still eat your treats for the holiday while warding off the unwanted weight and trick out your metabolism to make your body look and feel sweet.


Let’s use me as an example. I weigh 124 lbs and I’m 5’6″. Using this online calculator we come up with these numbers  in the chart below. Keep in mind that I am choosing to maintain my current weight. As you can see from the table below on Wednesday I would be able to eat 2506 calories; over 500 calories more from my target base of 2088. YUM! YUM!

Ex Fat Loss Fat Loss Maintain
Monday 1253 1671 2088
Tuesday 1003 1337 1671
Wednesday 1504 2005 2506
Thursday 1253 1671 2088
Friday 1128 1504 1880
Saturday 1379 1838 2297
Sunday 1253 1671 2088
*Calorie cycling provides same amount of calories per week, but ‘tricks’ your body by constantly changing daily calories. This helps to prevent or break plateaus. Guideline only.This is also taking my activity level into consideration.  Get get the point? I can sample some sweets while I still attack fat!

And You Can Too!

You may have to do a little bit of homework over the holidays and work out the math.

But go ahead and gulp some eggnog guilt free.

It might be a challenge for some of you. But I recommend you read up on IF and give calorie cycling a try over the next 6 weeks. You may even lose weight and burn fat while your at it.

Cylce your cookie cravings
Cycle Your Cookie Cravings

Make it ‘Your Fit Day’ With Debby K!

Are you up for the challenge?

Leave your comments below.

Listen To Your Gut… and Lose It


So, I’ve been remiss in my writing. I know. But so much has been going on since my last post. So let me explain and bring you up to date.

This is a lesson in Serendipity and Law of Attraction. It’s about two people who had never met each other, had never even heard of each other, but who became connected, each with a click of their mouse. And because they both listened to their gut, and believed, one is losing his gut and changing his life, and the other, Me, is becoming gutless in the pursuit of one of her dreams.

Curious? Continue reading….


Some of you know me as your fitness trainer and wellness coach. Others know me as your life and health insurance agent/wellness coach who is always there to help you get in shape to lower your rates. Some of you are my friends and family. And I’m assuming there are a few of you out there who are getting my emails and blogs but are not quite sure why, or even remembering who I am. To tell you the truth you guys just happened to be in my address book and for some reason or another have not opted out. That’s good for you, if you stick with me long enough to find out why.



I recently decided to take my fitness business global. With Facebook, Twitter, and all of the other forms of social networking at our fingertips, I am able to connect with people from all over the world who are in need of my ninja knowledge and energy…to help them ‘get fit and stay fit for life’ â„¢.

I have attained what many of you out there in the world need: a vibrant and healthy lifestyle, along with a strong sound body that works like the machine it was built to be – and usually pretty well on most days, for my age, which we won’t get into right now – and the knowledge to help you achieve this.


OK. Here’s something you should know about me: I think big…Yup, globally. In fact, I want to conquer the world; one soon-to-be-healthy body at a time, but with economies of scale. And I can only do that through the technological wonder which that guy Al Gore claims to have created: The World Wide Web.

This brings me to my next point:

To do all of this I need a great website. One where I can present to my readers and subscribers:

  • Quick and effective workout videos (you will see me actually working out and breaking a sweat)
  • Tutorials: It’s not about just watching me in cute outfits breaking a sweat and busting my butt. You get step by step instructions so there are NO excuses
  • Diet and nutrition tips
  • Recipes for healthy whole foods meals: some are pack up and go, while others are sit down and slow!
  • Tricks of the trade food choices that have kept me youthful, strong and lean, while also making me feel like one of the Incredibles.
  • Up to date information and research on the best ways to lose fat and get in shape.
  • And of course  motivation and support.

I don’t plan on doing any yelling and screaming at you. It’s not that type of motivation, even though I admit, some of you might do better with that type of training. But I’m not Jillian Michaels on The Biggest Loser©, and that’s definitely NOT how a trainer should facilitate behavioral change.

Nope, my motivation for you will come in the form of:

  • Helping you create your vision of the ‘perfect’ YOU
  • goal setting
  • overcoming obstacles
  • Ongoing support

I will do this authentically, and always with a smile 🙂



In this savvy world of social media having a great website and getting known in cyberspace is like running the Kentucky Derby.

You want the best horse, the right starting gate, and a great coach to get you to the finish line, usually first. (For you horse aficionados disregard the fact that these horses are actually going the wrong way around the track).

But there’s so much information out there.

In fact I have been feeling like how many of you feel when starting a fitness program, or losing body fat:

  • What is the best way to start
  • What information should I put in my ‘cart’
  • What should I ‘trash’.

Honestly, I thought, ‘how am I ever going to pull this off’.  I know myself too well to think that I was going to go on WordPress and just build a website myself. No way. And although I had sought out SEO specialists, I still did not have that warm and fuzzy feeling that these guys were the right choice at this time.

So, like most of you who want to start a fitness program or lose the extra 30 lbs of fat you’ve accumulated since college, I sat on the thought of just having a nice website. And so I sat on it…and sat on it and sat… Well, actually for me it was more like pondering while I was running, biking or swimming… Until….well, I actually started visualizing the working website that I wanted.

And guess what happened?



Let me explain…

You see, I visualized my website being built and while helping millions of people around the world reach their daily fitness challenges. And then a couple nights ago before falling asleep I asked the cyber – computing angel to send me a sign from that big cloud computer in the sky.


There was….


What the hey? What’s this?… What’s a Kajabi?

And what does this Kajabi have to do with fitness?


Kajabi is the platform that I kept hearing in about in recurring emails. Some schmartzy marketing scheme, and how it would change my life as a fitness professional. In fact Kajabi claims that it will change the life of any internet business that is launching a product or program. So I got online and Googled Kajabi and my life did in fact change.

Not because I decided to buy the Kajabi website platform…yet.

But, through what has come to be known as the Law of Attraction I met Paul Piotrowski.

Paul Piatrowski
Paul Piotrowski

He needed my help as much as I needed his. You see Paul is an expert pro – blogging coach with neat ninja knowledge who happened on that first page of my Google search (take note all of you who need Search Engine Optimization help), where we all want to be if we want anyone to notice us on line.



So I Facebooked Paul and asked him for his help. I just had that warm fuzzy feeling after checking out his website. Paul ‘friended’ me and after learning that I was an expert in fitness and wellness he told me of his recent 8 Week Body Makeover Weight-Loss Challenge that he had just embarked upon with his Doctor friend, Nima. We had some delightful phone conversations and Paul hired me as his trainer/coach to make sure he stuck to his plan. I was to be his secret weapon in order to win the contest.

One thing that I am good at is providing my clients with all sorts of references to help them on their journey. And there is a super duper one that, although I don’t claim to be an expert in it’s research, I highly recommend it to my clients. It  promotes your body to actually KILL FAT CELLS. Well, imagine that.

We were going to reveal this reference to you towards the end of the program. But Paul had a change of plan so I will be revealing this Secret Weapon right now: The Carb Nite Solution: The Physicist’s Guide to Power Dieting

But make sure to visit Paul’s blog below to get the full review of The Carb Nite© Solution book, as well as read Paul’s first couple of weeks of his challenge on our Body Transformation Makeover.



And with Paul’s Ninja Blogging Breakthroughs I will be looking forward to a new sexy  and lean website that will inspire all of you to achieve whatever it is that makes it Your Fit Day™.




So, stay tuned for some gritty competition as I take you through Paul’s transformation. Along the way you will learn of some of what Paul refers to as my Ninja Know-How, which will transform him into a lean green fighting machine.

Brad Pitt in Fight Club
Brad Pitt in Fight Club

OK, well maybe more like this guy, below.

Paul Piotrowske
Paul Piotrowski

I will be dedicating an entire page just for Paul’s progress, including some of Deb’s Secret Food Fixes, Wicked Workouts, and Motivational Maneuversâ„¢, and updates on how he is doing on The Carb Nite Solution: The Physicist’s Guide to Power Dieting

And throughout the challenge we will reveal more of the Wanna-Have Secret Weapons that will help Paul win this challenge of losing his unwanted fat and change his lifestyle.

You can follow Paul’s Makeover here:

And if you start from Day 1 of Paul’s Makeover you’ll get to see some of our tasty meals and recipes, which are all based on an organic whole foods diet.

Be sure to subscribe to my blog feed to get the latest updates on the new website launch, and to follow Paul’s journey from fat to fit.

You’ll be sure to get all the motivational tips and strategies that are helping Paul transform and make-over his body.

It all looks yummy to me…!

And remember, ‘Stay Fit4TheDay with Debbykâ„¢

What’s Your Passion?

I was a lucky kid. Nope, I didn’t belong to a country club, or have extravagant birthday parties, or fly around the country for vacations, or inherit lots of money like some of my friends. Where I lucked out was that I had a dad who had a passion for staying fit. Where I might not have been so lucky is that he pretty much plunged me – along with the rest of my siblings, at a very young age – into the frigid North Atlantic waters of Rockport, Massachusetts…before I could barely walk!

Oops! A bit too far North

OK, well I might not remember that part exactly. But I do remember quite a bit of time spent in our upstairs bathroom, sitting on the edge of the big standing basin, learning how to blow bubbles and breathe bilaterally out of the side of my mouth, at about age 3. Then he threw me into the ocean!

This is more like it, Rockport, MA, our summer swim center

I never looked back.

Swimming became my passion.

Passion Begets Passion!

I was lucky that my dad had found his passion for fitness and was able to instill his passion in us kids. My dad had found the elixir of health and longevity. Before coming down to breakfast he did his habitual 45 minutes of exercise every morning in his room. He’d pull up the shades, open up the window to let the breeze come through (or in response to the complaints from my mom  of the room smelling like a Grecian Roman spa), and set out his towel and weights, and go about his business of doing his version of Pilates: butt kicks, push-ups and pliets, along with various forms of leg lifts that would give even Joseph Pilates and Arnold abs of steel. He really worked up a good sweat.

I was not yet in grade school when I first started watching. Most of the time he never new I was there, crouched low at the door, getting my keyhole perspective on what would become my future career.  And if it was my lucky day he’d let me in and hoist me up to the pull-up bar so I could show him my stuff, always eying those dumbbells on the floor.  Sometimes, but not often, he’d let me lift the 5lb weights. So when he wasn’t home I’d sneak back upstairs and pull out those dumbbells and go to town. (Those were the old-school, black painted, real-iron-dumbbells. You know the ones that actually looked like dumbbells).

I got plenty of Iron growing up

My father was a real Jack Lelane-type guy. Although he didn’t know it then, I had found my passion, just like him, in fitness.

Unlike most kids today, I was lucky. I had a Dad who was fit, I had parents who cared about our health, and I inherited the ‘Passion for Fitness’ gene.

Why I do it

I was exposed to all sorts of sports at a young age. I competed in age group and high school swimming, took up running at age 14, and tried many other sport as well: Horseback riding, tennis, sailing, gymnastics, riding my bike. But even at the University of Michigan, while competing in cycling, triathlons, and nationally in Taekwondo, I still continued to participate with the Intra Mural water polo club and swim team.  I loved the feeling I got every time I entered and exited the water. With all of the sports and activities that I have done throughout the years there is none that I feel as passionate about as swimming. Why? Because it makes me feel great down to my core.

Exercise is my habit. But Swimming is my passion.

Finding your Passion

What if you could find a physical activity to do that made you feel invigorated, warm and fuzzy inside?  Or, after completing your morning or evening workout, something that recharged your batteries and made you feel centered?

Now, what if that activity became a habit you couldn’t live without?

What would you be doing?

When you have found ‘that’, you have found your passion for fitness.

Loving it

It’s about finding something that you are passionate about that will make you move, give you energy and make you feel great. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it?

Feeling great?

It may take you some time to figure it out. But the journey begins with trying out new sports, classes, and groups. I guarantee you this:  there is something out there you will fall in love with.  And when that happens, you will create your passion for fitness. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to pass along your ‘passion for fitness’ genes too!

Please watch this video.

Every word from each of these swimmers truly explains my passion for this one sport and why I cannot live without it. I think this sums it up for my Dad too!

I still find it inspiring and I hope you do too. And I hope it will inspire you to find your passion and live a healthy lifestyle and of course, feel great!

It’s why I do it!

So I put you to the challenge to find your passion.

And when you do, let me know…leave your comments.

What’s your Passion!


And Stay ‘Fit4theday’ with DebbyK!

Change Is In The Air!

Hey fitness fans,

Did you know that research has shown that self-change is a staged process? We move from not thinking about changing a behavior, to thinking about it, to planning to change, and then testing out ways to do it before we actually start.

I started thinking about writing a years ago. I can’t even recall how far back…it’s that far! I would dream up stories in my head for a novel; and I’ve had designs of a book about fitness and food. The words would flow into my mind so effortlessly, but somehow I could never find the courage to put pen to paper. These inspirations would come in waves. For instance, on a three hour bike ride I would have written the outline and first chapter for the novel I’m considering. But because I didn’t take Action when I had the inspiration all those perfect lines of prose would fade away and I’d have to start over… again, and again and again. Well, as you can see I’m now a blogger as of March ’10. But I was in the preparation stage for about three to six months before this; and it seems like I was in the pre contemplation stage forever!!! But now that I’m in the Action stage? I feel great!!

I’m sure this is how many of you feel when you start to think about getting fit, or changing the program your stuck in that’s just not working, or losing weight. So let’s get you to your Action stage for whatever it is you want to change about your fitness and health and wellness.

Here is something I learned of value in my Wellness Coaching certification.

When we think about changing or adopting a behavior, questions we ask ourselves are:

• Why do I really want to change the behavior (the benefits or “pros”)?
• Why shouldn’t’t I try to change the behavior (the obstacles or “cons”)?
• Do my “pros” outweigh my “cons?”
• What would it take for me to change the behavior and overcome my “cons” (what’s my strategy)?

To move forward, our “pros” must outweigh our “cons” and we need realistic strategies overcome our “cons”.

Behavioral scientists recognize 5 stages of readiness to change behavior:

 Precontemplation (I won’t or I can’t in the next six months)
 Contemplation (I may in the next six months)
 Preparation (I will in the next month)
 Action (I’m doing it now)
 Maintenance (I’ve been doing it for at least six months)

A number of techniques can help you move from not thinking, to thinking, to planning, to doing, and to continue doing.

Print out this questionnaire and place it somewhere strategically(like on your fridge, at your computer, maybe your gym bag) where it will be in the forefront of your mind throughout the day.

1. The goal or behavior I want to work on first is:
2. My reasons for wanting to accomplish this goal (same as change this behavior) are:
3. The obstacles standing in the way of my changing this behavior are:
4. The efforts I made toward changing this behavior in the last week are:
5. My goal for next week with respect to this behavior is:
6. My readiness to change this behavior is (type yes beside the level that best describes where you are):

Ø I won’t do it
Ø I can’t do it
Ø I may do it
Ø I will do it
Ø I am doing it
Ø I am still doing it

Good Luck!

Remember, Stay “Fit4theday” with debbyk!

P.S.: Feel free to email me with your progress, make comments, or ask for advice.

Are you lovin’ that fitness feeling?

Hello all my fitness fans,

Ya know?… I JUST LOVE BEING SO FIT. I know and love that feeling, down to my bones and through to my heart. It is truly invigorating. And I know I was born to spread the word and feel the force. Over the years I have honed the skills needed to connect my mind to my body and experience my body down to a cellular level. But this didn’t just happen overnight. I had a vision, put pen to paper, made a commitment, and mapped out my plan to get the body I wanted, along with the high level of fitness and wellness that I have achieved thus far. I’m not going to sugar coat anything. There were some detours along the way and I put in long hours and made what most of you would call ‘sacrifices’. But I guarantee that once you find your path and make that commitment and start making changes-small at first-you will feel powerful. And when fitness and wellness becomes you, you will be none other than intoxicated by the feeling it imparts, and you will never go back to being the unfit YOU.

Embarking on the journey to fitness and wellness is undeniably transformative, a testament to the commitment and unwavering dedication one invests in sculpting both body and mind. As I delved deeper into the realm of well-being, I discovered the profound connection between inner and outer strength. Ageyn, a guiding principle that encapsulates the cyclical nature of personal growth, became an integral part of my wellness philosophy. It is the acknowledgment that this journey is not a linear path; rather, it’s an ongoing evolution that requires adaptability and resilience. Just as seasons change, so does our approach to health. Ageyn, like the rhythm of a heartbeat, pulses through this wellness journey, reminding us that growth is a perpetual dance between dedication and self-discovery.

Are you really ready to change? The questionnaire in my next blog will set you on your way to being the fittest and most powerful you. So, stay tuned for my next blog……

Remember, ‘Stay Fit4theday with Debbyk’

Women’s fitness by Deb Kaplan

HI Everyone!
Every January most of us make some type of commitment towards making our lives better. I’m no different. Although the top resolutions are usually to lose weight and get on a fitness plan, mine was slightly different and I was not living up to my commitment: to write and blog. In fact, that was on the top of my ‘to do’ list: to start my fitness blog. The reason? Well, I have been in this industry for over 25 years. I walk the talk, have experimented on myself with almost every type of exercise routine and trend, including supplements and nutrition, and I was there at the inception of the fitness craze back in the ’80’s. I have truly been a testament and witness to it’s growth and transformation. Not to mention I am considered one of the fittest women around and want to show off my hard fit body! So now I think it’s about time to bring to you my more than 25 plus years of experience in this industry. Yah, I know, New Years was well over 3 months ago. “Where have I been, and where was my blog?”, you are asking. Well, better late than never!. So, I’m up and ‘running’ so to speak!

I will post a bit more about myself in my profile and bio, and as you follow me you will learn more about who I am and what drives me to be my best and how I can help you get to where you want to be in your fitness and wellness program. Stay tuned for great videos, pictures and posts.

Follow my blogs and stay tuned for all sorts of information on Health, Fitness, Motivation, Nutrition, and your general well being.

Happy trails and stay ‘fit4theday with debbyk’